
More being, than doing…

Welcome to my blog: More being, than doing…

I was out running a couple of weeks ago. As I often do. This particular day I was – as I often am – stressed over all the things I would like to do – but haven’t yet come to.

As I was getting deeper into my “running-Zen” it came to me: It’s not so much about doing. It’s a lot more about being. More being, than doing.

Since then the thought has really grown on me. What are the paths for me to a destination – or probably more accurate – a higher level of “more being, than doing”.

And in a second I’ve thought up another thing I can get stressed over: I need to create a blog. And write my thoughts and all the doing that comes along with that – down into a blog. And here we are.

I haven’t really decided on what the frequency will be of me posting. Hopefully more often than my previous attempt of writing a blog(1 post 4 years ago).



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